Empowered teachers lead to empowered learners.
Great teachers working together create amazing learning environments for tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We have learning programmes for early childhood, primary and secondary school communities.
Wanting a unified learning environment where every teacher and student are on the same page?
BSI Teacher Skills will empower your teachers with the skills they need to build stronger, more effective relationships, essential as part of creating amazing learning environments for your tamariki/akonga, creating empowered learners.
We deliver highly personalised, results-driven programmes that empower your teachers with the knowledge they need to build stronger relationships, develop leadership – their own and with others, build teams, and empower your learners.
Great teachers working together create amazing learning environments for tamariki/akonga in Aotearoa New Zealand
Early Childhood centres are a community of teachers and learners alike, working towards one common goal.
BSI Teacher Skills will give your team the tools to empower your staff to get the best results for your children and whānau.
Our teacher programmes focus on building a collaborative team with united goals.
This is done by developing communication skills, leadership skills – for individuals and/or acrosss the team, and developing a powerful centre philosophy that has all teachers seeking the same results.
Having a strong team means you can leverage each other’s strengths, all the while having constructive conflict through powerful conflict management strategies.
This enables teachers to build stronger relationships with tamariki and their respective whānau, creating a tight-knit centre community.
Contact us today for a consultation and allow us to develop a plan to get your centre community as strong as can be.
Need basic training for teachers or managing children on the autistic spectrum within your community?
We deliver The Incredible Years programmes on behalf of the Ministry of Education. Validated by 26 organisations globally with amazing results.
BSI Teacher Skills courses are aimed at giving you and your team the tools needed to build a supportive teaching team that works better with each other, using each other’s strengths to get the best results. We also empower your teachers to engage more effectively with parents to form stronger partnerships, increasing confidence and enabling better teaching and empowered learners.
BSI Teacher Skills – developing leadership and teams across your school, so you can get the best results for your students. Through building communication skills and developing your teams, we also empower teachers to engage more effectively with parents to form stronger partnerships, increasing confidence and enabling better teaching.
BSI Teacher Skills programmes aimed at secondary teacher professional development is focused on developing communication skills, building teams, and developing leadership skills across the school. BSI Teacher Skills will also build highly functioning teams across departments and senior leadership levels by breaking down the barriers, developing communication and leadership skills with the aim of enabling more collaboration and stronger support.
But it isn’t all teacher focused. By developing greater understanding of other people, and how to leverage each other’s strengths, it enables stronger relationships to be built across the school. This helps teachers understand more about different students and styles of behaviour, enabling every teacher to engage more effectively with the different students, enabling better teaching and learning across the school.
Young people are seeking to build confidence and skills in leadership. BSI People Skills have developed the Ignite Your Leadership Summit. An annual online gathering of youth, teachers and leaders. We see individuals unlock their potential, learn to value all people and find hope for the future.
Building collaborative leadership teams with common goals:
Contact us today to work out what would make the biggest difference for your teaching team.
Wellington, New Zealand
(+64) 27 302 8628