Leadership development

Group workshops or one-on-one training for leadership

We offer two workshops for leadership growth as well as one-on-one coaching.
We are also growing a collection of online courses that can be completed in your own time, or to offer as additional professional development for team members.

Grow your leadership

Grow your Leadership

3-4 hours interactive workshop for groups of 3+
(add on to team building)

Developing effective leadership skills involves many factors and continual growth. This workshop is designed to help you understand your natural abilities, and how as a team you can leverage each other’s strengths to lead your team in the desired direction.

  • Leadership, what are all the factors involved?
  • Your style and strengths and what they mean to your team.
  • Develop and communicate vision and philosophy.
  • Leading through change.
  • Effective leadership unpacked.
  • Inspiring teams into action.

Management with the X-factor

3-4 hours interactive workshop for groups of 3+
(add on to team building)

Management is a learned skill. In this workshop we focus on the areas most needed to manage your team in a way that better inspires engagement, both with each other and with management policies and practices. You can expect the following outcomes:

  • Improved confidence amongst the management group.
  • Reduced conflict and ability to manage situations.
  • Ability to Inspire and enrol teams into action
  • Better directing/delegating, motivating, and developing your team members.
  • Change management – process and engage.
  • Build a thriving team that works well together.

Cultivate your Culture

Company culture or cultural team building

3-4 hours interactive workshop for groups of 3+
(add on to team building)


Our nation is a wonderful diverse mix of cultures. Embracing and valuing the richness this can bring to a team environment is one of the keys to a truly healthy and thriving cohesive  group – Leading to better productivity, increasing overall happiness and staff retention. In this workshop,  we expand on ways to cultivate and create the culture you desire.

  • What is culture and why is it important?
  • Understand the Treaty of Waitangi and its relevance in your team.
  • Improve communication.
  • Decrease conflict through better understanding.
  • Cultivate and create a motivated, productive team that works well together.

People that Work

Tailored one on one sessions

When we understand ourselves and our strengths better, we can create lives and work that best fit our individuality, leading to better productivity and happiness. We can work with you one-on-one to discover and develop and grow your best self. These sessions will be tailored to suit your desired outcomes.

Other training opportunities

None of the packages fit your need? Let’s have a chat about what you feel your team or you need, and we can tailor solutions that best fit.


Before you leave try out our two minute audit to see if you would benefit from our Culture Crafting Workshop.




A quick (2 minute) quiz to audit your companies culture rating against four key area benchmarks. Discover if you would benefit from our Culture Crafting Workshop.