Looking for courses that will grow and empower your teaching staff?
Join a leading, evidence-based global early childhood development programme – Incredible Years®!
Delivered by our highly qualified team in the Wellington region on behalf of the Ministry of Education.
The Incredible Years® programme is a set of interlocking courses targeted at growing and developing teachers’ and parents’ skills. Guided by developmental theory, comprehensive and evidence-based, these courses are designed to work jointly to nurture children’s emotional, social, and academic competence and to prevent, reduce, and treat behavioural and emotional problems in young children.
The Incredible Years® programme is validated by over 26 organisations globally, and is supported in New Zealand by the Ministry of Education. All courses are free for participants, and centres are provided with funding to support teacher release.
BSI Teacher Skills deliver three programmes in Wellington – the Basic Teacher programme, Incredible Beginnings, and the Autism Teacher programme.
Delivery of the Incredible Years® programmes within New Zealand is part of the PB4L initiative. New Zealand is one of the first countries to be widely delivering the Incredible Years Autism® programme, and teachers are already seeing amazing results.
“The whole programme is amazing. I’ve enjoyed all the sessions and have learnt so much about being positive, praising, acknowledging children’s feelings. Children are capable, can solve their problems by guiding and encouraging them to succeed in what they do.”
– Maz
The Incredible Beginnings® Programme is designed for early childhood teachers of young children 1-5 years. It consists of 7 days of workshops over about 6 months, delivered by trained facilitators.
The programme focuses on creating environments where young children can thrive. Through the programme, teachers learn how to support children’s developing social skills, build emotional awareness, encourage self-regulation, and foster a sense of security and attachment. It also covers strategies for nurturing early problem-solving abilities, all within a fun and engaging learning atmosphere.
The training also helps kaiako collaborate with parents to create stronger partnerships, and promote consistency of learning between home and early childhood centres.
Registrations for this course are through Tempell Wi at Ministry of Education.
The Teacher Classroom Management® Training Programme is delivered to early childhood and primary teachers of young children 3-8 years and consists of 6 ½ days of workshops over about 6 months, delivered by trained facilitators.
The programme focuses on strengthening teachers’ behaviour management strategies; promoting student’s prosocial behaviour, emotional self-regulation and school readiness; and reducing children’s aggression and non-cooperation with peers and teachers.
The training also helps teachers collaborate with parents to create stronger partnerships, and promote consistency of learning between home and school/early childhood centres.
Registrations for this course are through Tempell Wi at Ministry of Education.
The Incredible Years Autism Teacher® programme is the latest in the Incredible Years® series, and New Zealand is one of the first countries to be widely delivering it.
It is for teachers and parents with children on the autism spectrum or with significant language delay. Both teachers and parents are seeing amazing results!
It is a shorter programme, delivered to teachers over 6 half-days, weekly / fortnightly.
With such high demand for support for children on the autism spectrum, this programme is currently targetted at children aged two to five years old, on the autism spectrum or with significant language delay. It is highly recommended that teachers have already completed the IY Teacher programme.
Priority is given to:
To register your interest to join this programme, complete the expression of interest questionnaire.
Wellington, New Zealand
(+64) 27 302 8628