We have created a list of frequently asked questions, get in touch if you have any questions not included that you would like use to add, or simply contact us to have a chat.
DiSC is a behavioural profiling tool that helps people understand behaviour, their own and others’. Understanding the impact these behaviours have on communication and relationships in the workplace is vital in creating healthy workplaces that work well together.
We use and recommend the Wiley’s EverythingDiSC, the best DISC tool in the market place. It can be distinguished from the others by the lower case ‘i’ in DiSC, trademarked to Wiley.
You can find out more about DiSC here.
Wiley’s Everything DiSC has over 40 years of research and development behind it, therefore producing the most accurate results. The questions are presented as continuums rather than as fixed options, creating a much more comfortable fit for the participant. In addition, this tool adapts the questions as the participant completes them online, enabling the most accurate profile you can get. Wiley’s Everything DiSC profiles really resonate with the people who read them. Quite simply, you get what you pay for.
Wiley’s Everything DiSC is a proven, detailed, yet simple tool that is easy to understand and immediately apply, bringing about instant results for the individual and the team environment.
Its focus is improving relationships and communication, helping people understand their own behaviour, why other people behave the way they do, and therefore how to adapt their own behaviour to achieve better results in every area of the work environment. DiSC is very practical and visual, therefore debriefing time is faster, and it has much higher retention for longer term engagement and use. It is easy to integrate into workplaces.
The profiles contain great information, and purely reading the profile is very interesting, but it doesn’t necessarily encourage practical use or bring about change as a result. Through training, people engage with their profile and put it into their work context, bringing about change.
From experience, we know that people walk out of our training and instantly start to put into practice what they have learnt, both with each other and with clients.
Great question! Because every workplace and organisation is unique and has different needs, this is a question we prefer to explore with you in person as part of our consultation process. Please contact us to set up a time where we can go over this together.
Another great question! Because we tailor our training and solutions to each organisation’s needs and circumstances, we prefer to discuss this with you in person as part of our consultation process. Please contact us to set up a time where we can go over this together.
DiSC has been in use since 1929. Take a look at the timeline.
Significant studies prove the benefits and accuracy of DiSC profiles.
See the evidence (PDF)
Curious to find out about the origins of ‘dot in a circle’ DiSC scales.
See the how and why (PDF)
Together we bring over 40 years’ extensive experience developing people across a wide range of sectors, not limited to but including: banking, education in both NZ and Japan, health boards, government departments, youth development programmes, not for profits, business coaches, HR management teams, small, medium and large private businesses, and individuals.
In addition, we tailor our solutions to suit your needs. One size does not fit all and we understand this. We are specialists in developing people.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if these frequently asked questions didn’t have what you were looking for!
Wellington, New Zealand
(+64) 27 302 8628