The Five Behaviors® of a Cohesive Team

The single most untapped competitive advantage is TEAMWORK.

Do you want a stronger competitive advantage?

Using this high-performing and transformational programme, things will never be the same again. We can help you take your team on this highly rewarding journey to performance excellence. The potential pay-off is huge, for you, your team members and your organisation.

An Introduction to The Five Behaviors®
Powered by Everything DiSC®

Your team will work with a trained, accredited facilitator through the programme to develop the way they operate at each level of the model – the facilitator will also help the team develop strategies and tools for ongoing implementation and results.

Delivery and timing can be tailored to suit schedules and time frames. Contact us today for more information about the costs involved.

There are five behaviours that predict how effective and productive a team is.

The Five Cohesive Behaviors® model is used to help team members learn to work together more efficiently and effectively, becoming a much more cohesive team.

The Five Behaviours® model is used to help team members learn to work together more efficiently and effectively, becoming a much more cohesive team.

Develop a productive, high-functioning team that:

  • Makes better, faster decisions
  • Taps into the skills and opinions of all members
  • Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion, and destructive conflict
  • Avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in
  • Creates a competitive advantage
  • Is more fun to be on!

Develop a competitive advantage!

To gain this advantage teams must:

Trust one another
When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they are able to build vulnerability-based trust.

Engage in conflict around ideas
When there is trust, team members are able to engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas.

Commit to decisions
When team members are able to offer opinions and debate ideas, they will be more likely to commit to decisions.

Hold one another accountable
When everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.

Focus on Achieving Collective Results
The ultimate goal of building greater trust, conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: the achievement of results.

So what does The Five Behaviors® profile look like?

Take a look at this example:
Kathryn Peterson

Before you leave try out our two minute audit to see if you would benefit from our Culture Crafting Workshop.




A quick (2 minute) quiz to audit your companies culture rating against four key area benchmarks. Discover if you would benefit from our Culture Crafting Workshop.